I was on the phone today with a friend and I was looking at a picture of this girl squatting 200+ lbs! I was amazed. In awe I started to tell her about the picture I was looking at and all that came our of her mouth was: "eeeww she must have gross muscle!"
I couldn't help but be baffled at this. There I was in awe of the power of this girl, and my friend couldn't help but be disgusted! (Don't worry she later read the article and does NOT think the girls muscles are gross! Mission accomplished!)
I was reading an article earlier that morning describing the difference between fats. It was very interesting because they talked about an athlete and a model. They may have the same amount of body fat but their bodies are completely different.
I think everyone should read this article. I wanted to talk today about losing weight and specifically my goals. Yes I do want to be skinnier, and fit into smaller cloths but I DO NOT want to be bone thin. I want to be healthy. I want muscle definition and I wouldn't mind a flat stomach. I want to be able to push a tire over multiple times, and to squat 200+ lbs. I think being strong is beautiful. I think bone skinny is gross. I want to challenge Mr. Man to a arm wrestling contest and win! I want a rock hard ass!
Being fit and strong is so important to me because when I do have kids I want to be able to keep up with them, and to sometimes out last their energy!
So Kate Moss can say "Nothing tastes as good as Skinny feels" well lets ask if hugging you feels like hugging a rock since all your bones are poking through! Keep your skinny and give me strong!

Now don't mind her crazy phase, remember her from her Toxic days when she was not a girl, but not yet a woman! This is more realistic to me! These pictures are more motivating to me than Kate Moss. So give me eewy muscles! But just between you and me? I don't think she has eewy muscles!

She in fact DOES NOT have eeewy muscles!! Giel, I cannot WAIT to see you this summer!