Hello! Sorry I have been gone for awhile! I have been busy wedding planning and focusing on my eating.
Work has been slow lately and so I have been able to really get some research done regarding food and my diet. It helps that a coworker is also looking into revamping her eating style and that of her family as well. So we have been reading and reading research after research and book after book. We even got into some blogs! But being the pyschology major I am didn't think that blogs were a trusted source. Sure they can be testemonials, but I need something to back up the testemonials. I am always a sucker for them though. I love reading success stories, but I HAVE to know the research behind them. With that said I have come to the conclusion that the plan that looks the best to me is the Eat Clean Diet. If you read Oxygen that you are probably familiar with this approach.
Eat Clean is just that. Eat cleanly. Just eat things with the least amougt of ingrediants possible. As the saying goes try to stick to the peimeter of the grocery store! I am not going to try and define/summarize the eat clean diet in my blog since the author has written multiple books and cookbooks. If you are interested you can find all the information you need here:
Eat Clean
I have been looking at different diets, eating styles becuase all you hear is that when you are losing weight its earned on the plate and not in the gym. This is so frustrating. I guess it is easier to go the gym and work my a$$ off then to change my eating style. I don't know why I am holding on to this. I know cognitively that I HAVE to do it. But I honestly don't know why it is SO hard.
I know that I run to food for comfort and I have been working on really paying attention to my emtions and if I am really hungry at that moment or if I am using it as a comfort. But I have been doing it for so long that I know I convince myself that it is hunger! I guess this is my hardest struggle.
It is even more a struggle when I feel like I am on this bandwagon alone. I have my support from people from work, and I know I have the support of my friends and family, but sometimes support isn't enough. I have to struggle to say no, and I don't like to say no because I don't want to be the only one saying no all the time. I am trying to make healthy decisions when it comes to eating out, but just being in the restaurant I start to feel like puddy and will just order whatever I want. Thats my problem. I know it makes me feel like crap, but I can't help it. That moment on the lips is worth the lifetime on the hips in that one moment of weakness. I wish I could get past this, but I guess this what I have been trying to work on. I guess I will be working on this for the rest of my life.
Wish me luck!