Monday, April 11, 2011

Do I have to go?! But....

I think that this pretty much sums up how I feel today.

This past weekend I didn't work out, I can give you a ton of excuses (I was doing wedding stuff all weekend, my calves hurt so much that I could barely walk up the stairs (I don't even want to mention the difficulties of the bathroom; why do they make toilets sooo close to the ground?), I was at my parents the whole weekend...) the list could probably go on. Although all those things did happen this past weekend I need to start realizing that they are excuses. I need fit being active into my life better, it doesn't matter if I am just taking a walk, running up and down the stairs a couple of times or running around with the dogs outside. Wanting to live an active lifestyle does't mean Mon - Wed, but everyday. Start making small changes. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or an exercise ball instead of a chair, or walking durning my breaks instead of surfing the net.

This poster reminds me everyday that no matter what I will be faster than those chosing to sit on the couch at home. And for now that is good enough for me.


  1. i like it. :)
    will it be making an appearance on your cubicle walls? :)

  2. Whenever I am in a work out mode and I miss a day I let it discourage me. I then start to let it all snowball until I don’t do anything at all. There will be weeks that you lose 5 lbs and weeks that you don’t lose any. What I have learned is take it one day at a time. if you eat something you shouldn’t, don’t give it license to eat crappy all day...Just eat better later.

    anyways these are my personal struggles and if you can relate then i hope they are helpful. You have the right idea. Doing something is better than nothing. Very inspirational poster!
